trase begitu lama xb'blog neh..rinduuuuuuuu sangat2..mmber2 pom cam dh xkesah ng k'wujudan blog ak neh,agknyer klu bleh rmove follower dh lame rmve..ohh sadisnyer..sobs3x..
ok,mlm neh xtau la angin ap y m'niup t'tbe plak rjin nk update blog neh..woahhh,sambil tarik nafas m'hirup udara blog y xbrape segar neh..hehe.
act. ak xtau la ap jenis title ak tuhs,mst korg pom cam pelik kan(sambil garu2 pale)..
owhh lupe..HAPPY DEEPAVALLI 4 rkyat india..tme neh tbe2 plak ak tringat koshlaurmm die neh acteli mmber mase kt scipp dlu
..owhh sorry,pade y xknl sape koshla jum ak tunjuk..jeng..jeng..jeng..tadaaaaa!!!!
td ak ad t'bce post kt wall koshla,tbe2 rse tacink plak ble die post kt fb die y die miss clbration mse kt SCIIP dlu..jum2 ak tnjuk ayt koshla:= here comes deepavali.. years passes by, but nothing is the best compared to my diwali year celebrated by my thoughtful friends from kelantan (SCIPP).. AWESOMENESS..when it's deepavali, u guys mainly conquer my thoughts.. love you ppl so much n always!!! yelar,even die xmention nme ak sorg kt c2 pom cm trase la gk kn sbb ak pom ex scipp dlu..owhh koshla, i luv u 2..muahhh.p/s:cm plik plak,spttnya title ats 2 "owhh koshla i luv 2"..hehe
haha gilak ah mu kma, xsgka aku mu rindu kossa
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