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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

tagged by bunny n I've 2 do dis b4 tumbang..haha

kte bunny ak kene bt neh b4 kene tmbg esk,tp d'sbbkn ak tak d'tmbngkn esk,so xyah bt pom dh bunny ciap m'ryu smbil m'lutut2(tpu je)...sbb die nk tau more about me,it's ok..hehe

25 things about me:

1) ak neh kecik je,so xplik klu mmber2 pnggil ak kecik o kotothehe

2) but even ak kecik tp ak comel,ooppss agk m'lampau tp 2lar mlut2 org y ak dgr..

3) member2 ak ckp,ak xprnh marah..btol ke??

4) ad gk y ckap ak sombong gler pdhal bkn ank rje o tan ak ksah,ilek r brader,mrah sbb xlayan ke??hehe..mmber2 i knl la sape i..xsmbong kn?kn?kn?

5) ak anak sulong dri 4 org adk bradik..

6) ak ad 2 adik gurlz n sorg boy..ak pling benci y boy neh sbb degil y t'amat..grrrr

7)i'm single..cpt2 sape nk ec borng

8) prnah kapel 1x slame 2mggu kot,lupe plak,konon 1st luv arr

9) prnh syg sum1 spruh mati slma 2taon stengah..huh!!
keje gler y xkn b'ulang ok

10) fmly,dolls n kawan2 ckup bri ak ksih syg,so bt mse skrg xde kapel pom xpe,tp klu ad jdoh nk bt cmne

11) tiap kali ak tgk cite kuch2 hota hai mesti ak nangis even dh 100x ak tgk..
waa minah industan rpenye

12) ak jenis y mudh suke kt sum1 tp cpt borim n rse m'luat.contoh ble ak g kelas ak tgk si dia,wow nsem!!tp ble kluar kls,eh mamat neh lg nsem la..ble nk blik kls,eh y neh pom nsem la dri ble dh ad greenlght,ak org 1st y cabut..SORRY!!

13) otak ak ad msenye ligat sgt kene kn org,tp ble org kene kn ak lmbt nk tngkp,xplik klu ak org pggl ak lem2(lembat la kot mksdnya,xdpt tngkp,nk tanye tkot kene blik)..

14) ak pling benci idop sorang2..

15)ak prnah nangis sbb kene blik kls sorg2,pdhal bknnye jaoh sgt pom..

16) dri sek rndh sampai la skrg ak ad geng sbb ak xleh idop lam klompok y krg dri 2 org.

17) .rmai y engt ak neh ank bongsu..nmpk mnja ke?

18) klu korng nk tau,sampai skrg tiap kali ak blik cuti mst ak nk tdo ng umi..owhh teruk nye,btol ke umo ak 20??

19) ak pling benci klu ad org tipu ak,klu xkantoi xpe,klu dh kantoi sampai mati ak xkn p'cye die

20) b4 ak pndai nek mtor ak prnh rembat mtor papa ak sampi ptah nombor dpn,pecah lmpu n hndle jd xbrape btol sbb lnggr umah jiran

21) ad sorng mmber ak neh ckp ak xprnh pom skit kn hati die,sdgkn ak rse ak pling byak bt dose ng die..trase suci gler ak saat 2..hehe

22) tiap kali ak nk b'pisah ng mmber2 ak xkira la pas cuti ke,nk cti sem ke mst ak nangis sampi bengkak2 mate sbb sdey..mcm la xleh jmpe ag pas 2

23) sgt2 minat cite korea sampai ak xmkn 1hari n xtdo mlm sbb nk abes kn cite tuhs..smpai papa ugut nk jual laptp..xnk!!tau tkot

24) suke sgt tgk mgzine y ad fesyen2 o mkeup2..nk cube tkot jd cm hantu plak..nk jd model xckup inci

25) To know more about me, jemput la dtg umh..tak2~!! ckup la kt formspring..hehe

Nak tag:

chocolate faten
cikgu ct a.k.a ruza
ckup la 4 eh..huhu

Friday, November 5, 2010

woahhh(tarik nafas)

trase begitu lama xb'blog neh..rinduuuuuuuu sangat2..mmber2 pom cam dh xkesah ng k'wujudan blog ak neh,agknyer klu bleh rmove follower dh lame rmve..ohh sadisnyer..sobs3x..
ok,mlm neh xtau la angin ap y m'niup t'tbe plak rjin nk update blog neh..woahhh,sambil tarik nafas m'hirup udara blog y xbrape segar neh..hehe.
act. ak xtau la ap jenis title ak tuhs,mst korg pom cam pelik kan(sambil garu2 pale)..

owhh lupe..HAPPY DEEPAVALLI 4 rkyat india..tme neh tbe2 plak ak tringat koshla
urmm die neh acteli mmber mase kt scipp dlu..owhh sorry,pade y xknl sape koshla jum ak tunjuk..jeng..jeng..jeng..tadaaaaa!!!!

td ak ad t'bce post kt wall koshla,tbe2 rse tacink plak ble die post kt fb die y die miss clbration mse kt SCIIP dlu..jum2 ak tnjuk ayt koshla:=
here comes deepavali.. years passes by, but nothing is the best compared to my diwali year celebrated by my thoughtful friends from kelantan (SCIPP).. AWESOMENESS..when it's deepavali, u guys mainly conquer my thoughts.. love you ppl so much n always!!!
yelar,even die xmention nme ak sorg kt c2 pom cm trase la gk kn sbb ak pom ex scipp dlu..owhh koshla, i luv u 2..muahhh.

p/s:cm plik plak,spttnya title ats 2 "owhh koshla i luv 2"..hehe